Monday, November 3, 2008

Spreading the Wealth Is Easy

How Obama Can Redistribute the Wealth

Once again, it has been uncovered how one presidential candidate plans to convert the USA into a far better place, by re-distributing the wealth of so many rich Americans, into the hands of much poorer, less fortunate individuals. And many of Barak Obama's wealthy, influential supporters are the very ones who have stepped up to the plate, to offer to be the first to give up of their good fortune, to help those in need.

Hollywood Movie Stars:
There are so many of these fine folk who make $10 million per movie and they just don't need all that money. So, they are the first to give generously. Their money will go to support the kids who sell popcorn @ the movie theaters, hairdressers, and cosmetics salespersons at the mall shopping centers. Each actor/actress can support 1000 such young workers. Costner, Cruise, and Spielberg could round up dozens more just like them if Barak calls.

NBA Basketball Players:
These talented young men earn from $1 to $20 million a year, but really don't need all that cash after they get dressed up in their fine gear and shiny bling. The poorest paid NBA star could help support 200 inner city teens with $5000 each. There are about 350 such wealthy NBA players, delighted to spread around their wealth. Blacks helping blacks is a great idea.

TV News Anchors:
They probably don't want you to know that they aren't doing their work for free, but Katie Couric, Matt Lauer and Charles Gibson get paid no less than $15 to $30 million a year for "reading the news" to you, with their liberal top spin on everything. So, we know they'd be willing to part with some of that to support Obama's causes. They could each support 2000 newspaper carriers, gas station attendants and single parents with $10K apiece.

University Professors in our fine liberal institutions, with tenure, receive $100,000 a year + book commissions for teaching 6 hours a week. We're so lucky to have them scattered across our country, relaxing in their pompous "left-wing-for-life" ivory tower positions. (A conservative-thinking friend with a doctorate from Oxford University found that there were 7000 other applicants w/ Ph.Ds for just one opening of a Philosophy professorship. ) If there are 100,000 such profs, certainly many would be willing to contribute something to the day-care workers, kindergarden teachers and school cafeteria workers who get minimum wages, right?

Financial Gurus: like George Soros and Warren Buffet, who both support Obama, must be willing to share some of their billions to help the poor, who just live on Social Security benefits. Each one could double the S.S. income of some 5000 Americans. Oprah, Kobe, Labron and Bill Gates all could do more, if the next President would call.

Isn't this a great country? The nice thing is that none of these donations have to touch the "principal" wealth owned by these model citizens, just one year's wages!!

After these above folk do their part, modeling this generous spirit, then soon all the top insurance company execs, real estate developers, hedge fund managers, doctors and hospital administrators, Washington politicians (the Senate has long been known as the Millionaire's Club), MLB baseball players, NFL footballers, NHL hockey stars, television actors, magazine editors, successful lawyers, for-life judges, and pop music singers will willingly come forth to do the same sharing for those they obviously see in need.

Should the checks be mailed directly to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

How popular is this "share the wealth philosophy" with those who've participated in such a system? Back in 1969 we were studying overseas with a doctor from England. At that time he wished he could move to the USA, because the prohibitve (socialist) tax rate in the UK was 90% for his income level. Upon moving to Spain in 1978 we befriended an aging, & then depressed, actress, famous throughout all of South America for decades, who had fled Cuba after Fidel had taken her home and possessions.

By the way, have you asked yourself what Barak Obama could have done to help the nation's poor with those $610 million he has spent just trying to get elected president? Certainly all those TV stations running his ads are thrilled to get his millions these last 9 months. This year, more than ever, receiving ten political 4-color flyers in the mail per day causes this observer great pain to know that all those trees have been felled to print a bunch of lies and attacks by one candidate/proposal against another.

While the motivation to share wealth with those less fortunate, in order to build a more equitable society might seem noble, one has to learn from history the pitfalls.

Even the early Church community, fresh from observing Christ's resurrection from the dead & ascension into Heaven, voluntarily gave of its bounty to the Disciples early in Acts, so that no one would be in need. But some few, like Ananias & Sapphira, lied to the Apostles and the Lord, and held something back----and were struck dead by the Holy Spirit. They wanted to appear generous & giving, but instead deceived the church community regarding their true intentions.

We are so foruntate that all politicians today operate with pure motives, desiring only to help others less fortunate than themselves!

---The Brinkleman (not political) Observer

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